The Provincial Bodyguard

A word from E. Kt. Nicholas Blackmore,
Commander of the Middlesex Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard:

The Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard is a team of Knights led by the Commander and his two deputies, that provides an escort for the Provincial Prior and other Provincial officers visiting preceptories, including the Annual Provincial Meeting and the bi-annual church service.

The Bodyguard uniquely has a “mentor” as it is made up of some of the newer members of the Order who are keen to become more involved in the activities of the province and thereby advance themselves within the Order.

The drill involved in this includes using their swords to provide an impressive ‘Arch of Steel’, under which the Provincial Prior will enter and later retire, so a high standard of personal discipline and bearing is required.

Membership of the Provincial Bodyguard entitles the Knight to join the Arch of Steel Preceptory No 591, membership of which is restricted to past and present members.

Perhaps the most talked about aspect of membership of the Bodyguard is the bond of friendship formed with other Bodyguard members. These friendships continue throughout and beyond a Knight’s membership of the Bodyguard. Several senior members of the province have served as Bodyguard members, and this includes the Right Eminent Provincial Prior himself.

“Once a bodyguard always a bodyguard”

Meet the Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard