Recent Preceptory Meetings and our last Annual Meeting
Annual Provincial Priory Meeting 2024
On the 1st July Knights from around the Province and further afield attended the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Middlesex at the Harrow District Masonic Centre. The occasion was a very enjoyable and memorable one.
This photo shows the Provincial Prior, R.E.Kt. John Roberts, K.C.T., retiring from the meeting.
Annual Provincial Priory Meeting 2024
The meeting was very well attended with many Provinces represented by Executive Members supported by other Knights of their Province. This photo shows some Visiting Dignitaries being greeted on conclusion of the meeting.
Annual Provincial Priory Meeting 2024
This photo shows the Provincial Prior and the Provincial Sub-Prior, V.E.Kt. Silverio Ostrowski, P.Gt.Reg., surrounded by some of the Members of the Province.
Annual Provincial Priory Meeting 2024
This photo shows the Provincial Prior and the Provincial Sub-Prior surrounded by some of the Members of the Provincial Prior's Bodyguard.
Annual Provincial Priory Meeting 2024
The lunch that followed the meeting was also well attended. Excellent food and wine and wonderful company proved to be a winning combination! This photo shows the Provincial Prior taking wine with the Provincial Sub-Prior.
All Hallows Preceptory 450
This photograph was taken on the 6th September 2024. The meeting was a special one in that the Preceptory celebrated its 50th Anniversary. Centre is the Preceptor E.Kt. Phil Manning, to his right is the Provincial Sub-Prior, V.E.Kt. Silverio Ostrowski who is also the Preceptory Registrar. The highlight of the meeting was when V.E.Kt. Ostrowski talked about some of the past characters of the Preceptory. It was a very enjoyable meeting with many happy memories shared.
Mount Lebanon Preceptory 573
This photograph is in connection with the Installation Meeting of Mount Lebanon Preceptory which met on the 6th January 2024. Kt. Paul Shanley was Installed as Preceptor by E.Kt. Jerry Jones. The meeting was all the more enjoyable as the Provincial Sub-Prior, V.E.Kt. Silverio Ostrowski made an Official Visit. A number of Provincial Officers and members of the Provincial Prior's Bodyguard also attended.
Southgate Preceptory 429
This photo is from the meeting held 27th April 2024. The meeting was Installation and it marked the beginning of E.Kt. Richard Slater's second consecutive year as Preceptor. With candidates on the horizon it promises to be another busy year. As has been the case for many years at Installation E.Kt. Henry Kemp was remembered.
Middleseaxe Preceptory 518
Middelseaxe Preceptory is the Middlesex Past Preceptors Preceptory and regularly undertakes Malta ceremonies at their October meetings. This photo is from the meeting held 26th October 2024 at which three Knights took their Malta Degree. That is, Kt. Rafael Viera (front row, right) and father and son Kt's. John and James Ledda (front row left). The Preceptory benefitted from the attendance of a number of visitors. Present was the Provincial Sub-Prior, V.E.Kt. Silverio Ostrowski (front row, 2nd from the right) who is a member of the Preceptory.
Uxbridge Preceptory 394
This photograph was taken at the meeting of Uxbridge Preceptory held on the 4th September 2024. The meeting marked the start of the 2nd consecutive year that E.Kt. Lou Apcevski, centre, will serve as Preceptor
Gauntlet Preceptory 449
The Meeting of Gauntlet Preceptory 5th November 2024. E.Kt. Martin Hinchcliffe was re-elected as Preceptor in the presence of the Provincial Sub-Prior, V.E.Kt. Silverio Ostrowski. A lecture was given on the subject of Jacques De Molay, the last Grand Master, by E.Kt. Alastair Pether. An enjoyable meeting with many Provincial Officers and members of the Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard in attendance.
Staines Preceptory 253
Photo taken after the Installation Meeting of Staines Preceptory 5th February 2024. Kt. Kevin Marshall-Johnson was installed as Preceptor by E.Kt. Jim Dyett. The meeting was attended by the Provincial Prior, R.E.Kt. John Roberts as well as the Provincial Sub-Prior, V.E.Kt. Silverio Ostrowski.
Southgate Priory 429
An unusual ‘Emergency Meeting’ of Southgate Priory in order to install two brother knights into the Order of St. John (Malta). The ceremony was conducted in Italian and English for the benefit of the candidates. Held at Harrow on the 19th February 2024.
Arch of Steel 591
Arch of Steel No. 591 performed a Malta Ceremony on the 29th February, 2024, at the Harrow District Masonic Centre. Arch of Steel is the Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard Preceptory and its members are made up only from Knights who have been appointed (past and present) to the Bodyguard.
Twickenham Preceptory 388
This photograph shows several members of Twickenham Preceptory No. 388 at the meeting held 3rd June 2024. The photograph also shows the Provincial Sub-Prior, V.E.Kt. Silverio Ostrowski (second left, front row) who made an Official Visit. In attendance supporting the Sub-Prior were a number of Provincial Officers and members of the Bodyguard. It was an enjoyable meeting and an informative one as the Provincial Vice-Chancellor for London, E.Kt. Vernon King gave and very enlightening speech about the Eye Hospital. The Preceptor, E.Kt. Lee Mulford was elected to serve the Preceptory for a second consecutive year.
Lanfranc Preceptory 485
This photograph was taken at the meeting of Lanfranc Preceptory No. 485 held on the 3rd September 2024. Kt. James Dunlop (shown centrally) was Installed as Preceptor by E.Kt. Davide Rubini.