Middlesex Preceptory of Improvement
There is one Middlesex Preceptory of Improvement (POI) which meets at three locations. You will be most welcome to attend any POI regardless of your experience and ability. The rehearsals are informative, relaxed and enjoyable. At each POI there will be an opportunity collectively, and individually, for you to be taught and practice various elements of our ceremonies including sword drill, floor work and modes of address.
Sword and belt only required at any of the POI locations. Please note that the POI Annual General Meeting is held on the first Sunday in September at the Uxbridge Masonic Centre.
Locations and Times
Uxbridge Masonic Centre – The first Sunday in the months of September to June inclusive, starting at 10:30 am.
Harrow District Masonic Centre – The third Wednesday in the months of September to June inclusive, starting at 6 pm.
Twickenham District Masonic Centre – The 2nd Friday of each month except August and December starting at 7.00pm.
Note: For dates of the PoI's please refer to the Upcoming Events Calendar